The Editor’s Secret Weapon: Cream for Dry Hair

Let’s take that scenario and condense it even further into the dry, damaged arena… or basically, compound all your hair troubles by two. Needless to say, having dry, damaged, worn-out hair not only makes simple things like detangling when hair is wet a lot harder and riskier, it entails more research and upkeep after the fact. Hair that’s been bleached, for example, definitely requires a lot more TLC than virgin hair—wherein you previously might have needed little to no deep conditioning each week, you might now need a once or twice weekly soak just to keep hair in a smooth state.

1. The conundrum

The thing is, more is more when it comes to piling on the product. (And in terms of time, cost and effort, suffice to say less is best as well.). Damaged hair has a higher porosity, meaning the strand absorbs hydration too quickly and may still seem rough to the tough after moisturizing. This can lead to overcompensating with more product, thus weighing the hair down.

2. The solution

It doesn’t have to take a bonafide city girl to tell you that the way around this is finding a dual-purpose hair product, such as a hardworking moisturizing cream for dry hair. The best formulations offer a lightweight look and feel, but also offer long-lasting moisture in convenient on-the-go packaging (because tote bags are life!). Our current obsession: Nexxus New York Salon Care City Shield Damage Defense (DD) Crème, which offers sheer, frizz-resistant lightweight hold. It wiggles into your day as the user sees fit: Whether as a mid-day gym hair resurrector, the final frontier in a morning styling regimen or as a hero standalone that keeps a blowout sleek and shielded against the Nor’Eastern winds, it’s certainly this city gal’s handiest companion. Want more tips on on-the-go hair care and hair styling? Check out our post on the best weekday looks for busy mornings.

Why Cream for Dry Hair is An All Year Essential - 72